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 Free Real Estate Listing FAQs

Basic how-to for free postings
Real Estate Professionals
How do I post a free listing?

The best way to post a free posting is to visit our home page and click on "add your listing(s)". It's located in the main text of the page. Fill out our online form and proceed from there.

All free listings are self-service mode , which works like this:

1. you submit a listing.

2. Preview your listing and make last-minute changes.

4. Your listing will automatically appear on the site.

6. Manage your listings to delete your listing at any time.

Click here to see how long postings remain on our site.

How can I edit my listing?

Edits for listings are self-service. Use the link provided in the same self-listing email you used originally to self-list. If you can't find this, try clicking here.

Note: Editing your post will not bring it up to the current date. You'll need to post a new listing to bring it to the top of the list (please, no more then twice a week).

How long does my listing stay on the site?
Postings Stay on the site for 30 days
How can I delete my listing?

Deletions are self-service. Use the link provided in the same self-posting email you used originally to self-list. If you can't find this, try clicking here.

Please note, all listings are automatically deleted upon expiration .

How do I repost my listing?

You'll need to submit a new listing . We CAN NOT repost a free listing for you.

How often can I list?

You may list to one city.

If you've lost the email that allows you to manage/remove your listing click here.

How can I list anonymously and still receive responses?

When submitting a listing, you are already signed up as a member and have given your contact information.  You can opt out of having anyone contact you but at this time there are no anonymous listings. 

We've provided two options for you:

  1. Your contact information appears in your listing just like in your profile.  To edit your profile click here.
  2. No contact information is shown at all - you'll need to provide contact information in the "Description" box if you want to be contacted.

Selecting the last option will guarantee anonymity and your preferred contact information can be put into the description box.

Can I add a picture to my listing?

You can do that using the HTML <img> tag, but the picture must already be on a site someplace. There are many free web hosting sites on the internet where you can upload your picture, just type in "free web hosting" into your search engine. Make sure that the site allows you to link to their site from another. If it's on a site, say on www.bestplaces.net, in a directory images, and named logo.gif, you'd code:

<img src=http://www.bestplaces.net/images/logo_bestplaces.gif align=right>

It'd look like the logo you see on the right. (The align attribute is useful, but not necessary.)

If you do this, you're using HTML, so see the next question.

Can I add HTML tags or URLs in my listing?

Traditional processing, no HTML:

If you include a URL in the text, make sure you also include the http:// in front of the url or our system will not recognize it and make it an active highlighted hyperlink.

You can use HTML in the posting body

If you want, you can use HTML sparingly. We don't try to wrap HTML around your URLs if we see HTML tags including <a, <li, <p. We just pass through your HTML unchanged.

Please use only the HTML you'd use in the <BODY> of a document, no <TITLE> or anything like that. We can't support JavaScript or applets, anything like that.

* Note: If you use HTML in any part of your posting you must use it throughout the entire body of your posting.

What kind of listings do you not accept?

Our policies prohibit the following types of listings on our site:

Posting of any franchise, pyramid scheme, multi-level marketing, "club membership", distributorship or sales representative agency arrangement or other business opportunity which requires an up front or periodic payment, requires recruitment of other members, sub-distributors or sub-agents, or pays commissions only (except for postings that make clear that the available job pays commission only and clearly describes the product or service that the job seeker would be selling, in which case such postings may be permissible).

Soliciting illegal activity either implicitly or explicitly on bestplaces is prohibited.

What should I do if someone harasses me by posting a prank listing?

If you suspect that you are the target of a listing prank, please email us immediately at realestate@bestplaces.net  and ask to have the posting removed. Please have ready the posting title, category, and email address (if available).

We take cases of abuse and pranking very seriously and will work with folks in helping them understand some of their legal options moving forward.

What recourse do I have for a transaction gone wrong or a person/post that is not being entirely honest?

If you feel you've been cheated in a transaction or that there is a post on the site that is false advertising, please let us know about it. However, in most cases, we can't do real investigation, you'll have to rely on the police and/or small claims court for that. We really want to help, but for the most part, this is beyond our limited resources. We hope we have your understanding on this.

Do you know of any sites like yours in any other places?

We just can't find anything genuine that's like what we do. Because of this and the demand from our growing community, we are expanding into new places.

I saw a listing that sucked, and I want to say something about it - can I?

We don't support what amounts to discussions in our listing categories. We consider a discussion listing as any announcement or statement that either unconstructively responds to a previous listing or invites an undirected open response. This is mostly because it generates all sorts of flaming, some directed at us, and causes lots of stress for the people processing listings. If you feel the need to give your opinion please respond to the poster directly rather than publicly.

How do I submit Mulitple Listings?

Send us an email at realestate@bestplaces.net with your listing file(s) and we will post the listings for you.  We will be offering a self-service way to post multiple listings in the future.

Will you sell or give away my listing(s) to other parties?

No. We consider the listings your property and will not sell or give away your listings.

I saw this great listing 6 months ago & would like to see it again. Can I?

Unfortunately, we don't archive listings here.

Do you have any special requirements for movers/haulers?

We've heard from the CPUC that moving ads on our site really needs to include the CPUC CAL T permit number, or as they tell us:

The State of California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) requires firms moving household goods to show a T-number in their ad. For information or to check a T-number, call the CPUC at (800) 366-4782

If you have a moving or hauling business and are posting on the site please post your T-number so the CPUC is aware that you are a registered mover otherwise your ad may be deleted.

If you are unsure about the CPUC's guidelines, please call them at the number above or go to their website: www.CPUC.ca.gov